Bundgaard +45 40 72 38 36
33 years IT experience, with a university
degree in computer science
28 years experience as selfemployed IT
21 years oracle development experience - database design specialist
- Specialist in providing the
software industry with productive virtual staging
environments for development, test and production
- PRINCE2 certified
- First object oriented programming experience with SIMULA 67 in 1982 at
Computer Science
department, Roskilde University on a UNIVAC mainframe
- First oracle/unix database experience with oracle 5 on Supermax
in 1993
- First large scale virtualisation experience
2003 with VMware
- Largest online system development experience - 100.000 named
- Recent consulting: Project Manager at
Danish Business Authority
- Endusers of my consulting include worldwide leaders in telecommunication, shipping, fastfood and pharmaceuticals
- Se more at LinkedIn